We would like to invite you to the LND/FilmLabo screening of ÔRÍ (Raquel Gerber, 1989) at Sphinx cinema on Monday 13 May at 8pm.
In the original release by Beatriz Nascimento, kindly provided by Raquel Gerber:
'ÔRÍ is a film about the life and the organization of the Black Movements of the 70s. It is a result of two researches: cinematographic (Raquel Gerber) and historic (Beatriz Nascimento). Starting in 1977, centralized in São Paulo, it documents other States and some other countries, focusing various manifestations of the ‘Afro-American’ ancestry sprouted in that period.
But ÔRÍ is also an epic, that, by revealing the civilizer hero ‘Zumbi’, the organizer of the ‘Quilombo dos Palmares’ and its democracy, re-crowns him in the present time as a developer of the Black Consciousness and by this means, the poetic text is allowed.
Therefore, it promenades by multiple forms of initiation rituals: the colleges meetings, national and international conferences, the Schools of Samba, the Afro-Brazilian religions, the “soul music” sessions, bringing the longings and the Black rhythms as continuators of the History of the African peoples of the Diaspora.
It is not by chance that ÔRÍ, which means “head” in Yoruba, by intensifying the role of the Bantus in the Brazilian society, at the same time, it thrusts the “Nagô” (Yoruba) cosmogonical contribution of the Orishas.
By fragments that correspond to initiation processes, the Film is a reflection about the present conditions of the planet: the relationships of Man with the other and with himself, with the nation and Nature.
Beatriz Nascimento
November 10, 1989'.
I hope this has piqued your curiosity and that you will join us at the film screening!
Sphinx Cinema page for tickets: https://sphinx-cinema.be/programma/film/ori-1989
Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/4LjPbQ203
This event is a collaboration between the Learning Network on Decolonization (FPSW/UGent), Labo Vzw and Sphinx Cinema.