Internationalisation@Home project: MONSTER: OTHER/ALTERNATIVE



You are cordially invited to attend (part of) the Internationalisation@Home project: MONSTER: OTHER/ALTERNATIVE.


The project consists of 3 separate parts that can be attended independently:

  • LECTURE: Monday 15 April, 11h30-14h15, Blandijn.
  • WORKSHOPS: I. Monday 22 April, 11h30-14h15 and II. Thursday 25 April, 11h30-14h15, De Centrale.
  • Dance performance & Film: 'MAKING MEN': Thursday 25 April, 20h00, De Centrale.


For registration and tickets, click here.

Looking forward to seeing you during one or more of the project activities.


Organisation: Inge Brinkman; Harold George; Antoine Panier; Dunia Dance Theatre; AfriKera Arts; Amber Frateur; Annelies Verdoolaege.

Acknowledgements: Internationalisation@Home (Department of Languages and Cultures) and Ghent Africa Platform (Ghent University); De Centrale.