CliMigHealth-Stellenbosch Africa Hub and Photo Exhibition
The CliMigHealth Africa-hub is an inter-university initiative led by Ghent University's CliMigHealth network and Prof. Guy Midgley’s Stellenbosch School for Climate Studies. The project aims to establish a hub in Africa to promote regional work on climate change, health and migration.
As part of their launch event, they are hosting a photo exhibition on 'Strength and Resilience in the Western Cape'. This photo project (see for the online version) is a collaboration with Gulshan Khan, a South African National Geographic Women photojournalist. The photos showcase the remarkable strength and resilience of the People and Nature of the Western Cape in the face of challenges posed by climate change, health issues and mobility patterns. With the launch event, the team aims to raise awareness and bring attention to the importance of addressing these issues in the African region, how science can feed into adaptation solutions and how we can further connect with and help support those experiencing the challenges of climate change on a daily basis.
This exhibition is a collaboration between Gulshan Khan, CliMigHealth, Ghent University, and Stellenbosch University. Fine Art Prints by ORMS and funded by the Bijzonder OnderzoeksFonds (BOF).