Mycotoxins in Kenyan Poultry Feeds: Occurrence and Use of Bentonite and Fumonisin Esterase as A Sustainable Mitigation Strategy to Reduce Effects of Aflatoxins and Fumonisins in Broiler Chicken and Layer Hens Production
PhD candidate: Ochieng, Phillis Emelda
Phillis Emelda Ochieng was born on 8th November, 1987 in Kenya. She obtained her first degree in Bachelor of Science in analytical chemistry from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya, in 2011. During her bachelor degree, she undertook internships at Kenya Bureau of Standards and Sony sugar companies in Kenya. Phillis then worked as quality assurance staff member at Safepak Limited in Kenya. In 2012, she registered for her Masters in Science in chemistry at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and graduated in 2015.
Supervisors: Prof. dr. Marie-Louise Scippo, Faculty of Veterinary, Medicine, Liège University, Belgium - Prof. dr. Siska Croubels, Faculty of Veterinary, Medicine, Ghent University, Belgium - Prof. dr. Sheila Okoth, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Nairobi, Kenya
The poultry industry in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is an essential subsector of agriculture, providing food, employment, and other economic resources for the region. Poultry and fish proteins contribute over 60% of the human protein intake in SSA, and the increased demand for poultry proteins has led to intensive poultry production and thereby need for high-quality poultry feeds. However, quality and safety of feeds are affected by fungal secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins that affect animal health and productivity, as well as food safety.
Date: Friday 13 October 2023, 16:00
Location: u Liège, Sart Tilman 0, 4031 Luik
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