Workshop Moving beyond Development Cooperation



We kindly invite you to a workshop Moving beyond Development Cooperation that will take place on May 2 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm in Het Pand. During this workshop, the findings and recommendations of a 2-year policy study on international cooperation between Ghent University and partners in the Global South will be discussed. The research examines the question of how international cooperation with partners in the Global South can take shape in the future, paying attention to reciprocity, equality and justice.

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The report, which is presented, examines both the policy and institutional framework as well as the practice of “university development cooperation” at Ghent University. Through case studies (e.g. on funding mechanisms, student mobility, doctoral programs of researchers from the Global South, etc.), the report makes the current practice and experience of international North-South cooperation concrete, and formulates recommendations for the future.