Amélioration du rendement du manioc et du revenu des opérateurs de la filière manioc en Basse Côte d’Ivoire

plant production
crop protection
agriculture systems
Université de Cocody (Ivory Coast)
Research fields
Agriculture and Food Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences


General: Improved agronomic efficiency via optimal combination of 1) micro-doses of mineral fertilizer, 2) organic inputs, 3) improved germplasm and 4) farmer knowledge
Capacity: local PhD research
Specific: Biological fixation of atmospheric N2 (BNF) produces a renewable source of nitrogen for low input farming systems, but is often constrained by phosphorous use efficiency; Cassava



Research activities & websites by FBE department:  

  • Biocentrum Agrivet (DI62)
  • Centre for Environmental Sanitation (CES) / Prof. Filip Tack
  • Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD)
  • Centre of Expertise for Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis (INBIO) / Prof. Wim Soetaert
  • Food2Know / Prof. Benedikt Sas
  • Ghent Bio-Economy / Barbara Toch
  • Ghent Bio-Energy Valley / Barbara Toch
  • Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries / Prof. Godelieve Gheysen
  • International Centre for Eremology / Prof. Wim Cornelis
  • Aquaculture R&D Consortium / Prof. Patrick Sorgeloos
  • Vandemoortele Centre "Lipid Science and Technology" / Prof. Koen Dewettinck
  • VLaams technologisch Adviescentrum (VLAZ) / Prof. Koen Dewettinck